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Putter Adjustments

Putter Adjustments are the minor changes that can make a big difference in a golfers putting performance. The adjustments include altering the lie, loft and weight of the putter. Lie and loft are very critical elements to fitting a putter to the golfer. There is no standard loft and lie! Loft and Lie angles of the putter are based on the setup of the golfer and everyone sets up differently when putting. Changing the weight of the putter is based on a personal preference when we are talking about the feel of the putter. Some golfers prefer a lighter putter and some prefer a heavier putter. Removing weight can be difficult unless a sound slot is added but adding weight is quite easy with today’s clubmaking materials. A sound slot it a milled out line on the base of the putter the wider and deeper the line the more weight is removed. These conversion options can be ordered below as a stand alone service or can be added when you fill out the Custom Finish Order Form.

Putter Adjustments Finish Options

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