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Durability & Care

As far as the durability on all the finishes they are all wear at different rates of time. The E-Plate, PVD and Poly-Coat finishes will last the longest due to the corrosion and abrasive inhibitors of the finish. All other finishes can immediately wear after use and the rate of wear will depend on multiple factors.

Some factors may be if the course is heavily fertilized, types of grass, course conditions, weather, and player’s and if the person wipes down the clubs after use.

I suggest the following steps to help prolong the finish of your clubs

  1. Always keep your putter dry. After play use a dry clean cloth to clean the head followed by wiping the putter down with the complimentary oil and silicone cloth provided with each refinish
  2. Never use acetone, abrasives, chemical cleaning agents or paint thinner to clean your putter, this will harm the finish and smear or remove paint fill
  3. Always store your putter in a clean dry headcover to preserve the finish
  4. Avoid leaving your putter in very cold or damp environments
  5. When playing on a freshly fertilized course, wipe down your putter after each hole

Finishes Requiring Maintenance

Black OX, Oil Slick, Tour Satin, Copper E-Plate, Rusty Bucket & PVD all require some sort of maintenance. Copper Plating and Rusty Bucket are listed only because it will tarnish (Copper E-Plate) or rust (Rusty Bucket) more and I recommend using a copper cleaning if you want to remove the tarnish, however most people like the tarnished/aged look on the Copper. It’s a matter of personal preference.

The main thing to realize with our finishes is that there is maintenance involved. By going to one of our finishes the advantage is that the club will take on a new look and feel with the ultimate goal being lower scores.